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Apprenticeships 2019

An apprenticeship is a real job with training

iStock / Getty Images Plus / Antonio_Diaz

Keith Smith

Director of Apprenticeships, Education and Skills Funding Agency

Apprenticeships help individuals of all ages to build their confidence and fire up their career.

Apprenticeships benefit people of all ages and backgrounds – from those with children returning to part-time work and looking to re-train; young people who are strong academically, but don’t just want to do an academic course and those for whom an apprenticeship has opened a new world of work and learning.

Reforms to apprenticeships have ensured that apprenticeships last longer, better meet the needs of employers, have more off-the job training and a proper assessment at the end.

These changes ensure the quality of apprenticeships have improved, for everyone – for the apprentice, the employer and the training provider.

We are continually learning from the best international systems to make the apprenticeships in England a world-class offer.

We are helping employers to create the high-quality apprenticeships that they need for their business.

These new apprenticeship standards, available at all levels, are being designed and driven by industry; creating higher quality training that will lead to a more skilled and productive workforce.

Research tells us that the lifetime benefits associated with the completion of apprenticeships at Level 2 and 3 are significant.

Helping employers drive the quality of apprenticeships

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education is putting employers at the heart of decision-making processes and supports the quality of apprenticeship standards.

It exceeded its target of 400 standards available for delivery by April 2019, and is maintaining the momentum with over 480 now available, in everything from forensic practitioners and data analysts to land based engineers and metrology technicians.

This financial year (2019-20), funding available for investment in apprenticeships is over £2.5 billion pounds.

That’s double what was spent in 2010 in cash terms. The apprenticeship levy is an important part of the apprenticeship programme; creating a long-term, sustainable investment in training.

Training opens doors for higher earning potential

Training makes people more productive and they earn more. On average, a Level 2 apprenticeship boosts earnings by 11%, while a Level 3 apprenticeship boosts earnings by 16%.

Research tells us that the lifetime benefits associated with the completion of apprenticeships at Level 2 and Level 3 are significant, standing at between £48,000 and £74,000 for Level 2 and between £77,000 and £117,000 for Level 3 apprenticeships.

Higher apprentices could earn £150,000 more on average over their lifetime compared to those with Level 3 vocational qualifications.

We recently launched the second phase of the Fire It Up apprenticeships campaign, highlighting through real stories the real return on investment apprentice employers achieve.

This campaign is reinforcing the benefits of apprenticeships to individuals, employers and the economy. We are pleased with the changes we’ve seen to the balance of the programme. We encourage all employers to fire up their business with apprenticeships today.

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